Getting caught up with an empty oil tank during winter is one of the frustrating things anyone can face. You don’t want to imagine the implication it can have on your home. Dealing with a freezing temperature is not something easy. That shows why it is important to have heating oil in your home at all times. If you are a one-time customer, it’s about time you start considering signing up for automatic delivery.

Below are some reasons to sign up for automatic heating oil delivery.

Why Should You Sign Up For Automatic Heating Oil Delivery?

Here are some reasons you should consider automatic heating oil delivery:

  • It gives you Assurance

You can rest assured of safety knowing that your heating oil will not dry out throughout the cold season. The exciting part is you don’t have to monitor your usage. The delivery company does that for you using some metrics to determine the next delivery date. In addition to not running out of oil, you can forget about costly damages associated with the winter when the temperature is lowest. The automation of your heating oil can secure your warmth as you would want it to be throughout winter.

  • Convenience and Comfortability

It can be stressful to continue placing orders for heating oil. In most cases, the delivery time doesn’t correspond with your free time. That can be a thing of the past if you automate your heating oil delivery. You can go about your daily activities knowing that your heating oil will be delivered when the time is right for you. Your tank will be under monitoring as you consume the current oil to ensure that you don’t miss out on a day of comfort.

  • Eradicate Monthly Calls for Oil 

Once you have your heating oil automated, it means you don’t have to bother calling any company to place an order. Many activities happen during winter, including many homeowners calling to order oil. The annoying part is you may have to wait a little longer because your preferred company is attending to other customers. That won’t be the case with subscribing to deliver the oil before it finishes.

  • Cost-Effectiveness 

By taking the step to automate your oil delivery, you will save a lot. Apart from additional charges associated with one-off purchases, you can experience a delay. Automatic oil delivery takes care of all these challenges to ensure that you are safe and your home is energy efficient. You can subscribe to different plans, depending on your home energy needs.

  • Prevent your Heating System from Wear off

Constant heating oil supply increases the utility of your HVAC system. Most of the heating systems that get clogged are out of usage or exhausted the oil in them. This is because of the sludge at the bottom of the tank. Not having your heating oil delivered on time negatively affects your 

heating system life. That makes it necessary to sign up with a company that guarantees that your tank gets enough oil to keep your home warm.


It is dangerous to spend a day without heating oil in your heating system. Many things can go wrong within that 24 hours. That is why it would be best to sign up for automatic heating oil. If you need heating oil delivery or oil tank maintenance, Interstate Gas and Oil can provide you with expert services. Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form!

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