Taking care of your AC unit is essential to protect your investment and extend the lifespan of your AC. Believe it or not, summer is quickly approaching, so the AC will be back in use in no time. Follow these tips to improve AC performance for a more comfortable and affordable summer season!

Upgrade to a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are helpful tools that allow you to control the temperature of your home automatically, even if you aren’t home, to change the settings. You can simply program the thermostat to be at a certain temperature at certain times or on certain days of the week. Doing this is an almost effortless way to lessen the strain on your AC, which will, in turn, make for better overall performance. 

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Regular AC maintenance is a must if you want your AC unit to have a long, energy-efficient life. Your AC should be serviced at least once a year and anytime you suspect an issue. Yearly maintenance can be done at any time, but it makes the most sense to do it right before summer since that’s when your AC is used the most. Getting a tune-up right before peak season can help lower your energy bills and prevent an annoying AC outage on the hottest day of the year.

Change the Filter

Changing your HVAC filter is one of the quickest, cheapest ways to improve performance. A dirty filter restricts airflow and can lead to your AC freezing up without effectively cooling your home. Many factors affect how long an HVAC filter lasts before it’s time to replace it. Some need replacing as often as once a month, while other filters can last multiple months. It’s ideal to remove and inspect the filter once a month so you can replace it in a timely manner once it’s dirty before issues arise with the HVAC unit.

Use Consistent Thermostat Settings

Changing your thermostat setting too much during the winter or summer puts unnecessary strain on your HVAC system. In the winter, choose the lowest temperature possible that’s still comfortable. Keep it in this setting. In the summer, determine a temperature and stick within a couple of degrees in either direction. Trying to lower the thermostat too much at once can cause your AC to run too long, preventing effective cooling and increasing the risk of damages, such as frozen AC freon lines.

If you need to schedule an AC tune-up or repair before summer, contact Interstate Gas & Oil today! Our team of experts can inspect and tune up your AC unit as needed to operate at peak performance all summer long. Even if it’s been a while since your unit was maintained, there’s nothing we can’t handle! Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form

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