Maintaining your oil tank may not be the most luxurious part of owning a home, but it is necessary to keep your home safe and warm. Follow this guide to maintain your oil tank this spring. You’ll be prepared before warm summer weather arrives, and you can easily spot any issues that formed over the winter season. 

Inspect the Tank Legs

Unstable tank legs are like a ticking time bomb. Inspect the legs for signs of instability. Keeping your oil tank on a flat concrete surface, like a basement floor or concrete pad, will help the legs remain stable in the long term. 

Check for Surface Damage

One of the easiest types of oil tank maintenance is surface inspection. Check all sides of the oil tank for visible signs of damage like dents, settling, tilting, and oil stains. If you see surface damage, it can be a sign of a large issue lurking. Contact a professional for oil tank maintenance to investigate the cause of the damage further. 

Clear the Fill Pipe

Keeping the area around your fill pipe clear makes oil deliveries much easier. The last thing you want is to avoid the area until it’s time for delivery, then scramble at the last minute to clear it. Clear any overgrowth and weeds around the fill pipe. If possible, create a clear path to the pipe. This makes it easier for maintenance teams to get to the pipe if you start to have heating issues or concerns about a leak.

Look for Leaks

You should regularly look at all parts of the tank for signs of a leak. This includes the fill pipe, tank, and vent lines. A leak warning sign can be visible oil, an oil stain, or rust. Ideally, you should hire a professional to use ultrasonic technology for an interior tank inspection too. Tanks can corrode from the inside out, and you won’t know until it’s too late! Ultrasonic technology is a newer type of tank maintenance, but the benefits are impossible to deny. 

Add Fuel to the Tank 

During the warmer months, you should always aim to have more fuel than air in the tank. Keeping the tank at least half-fuel lowers the risk of humidity and condensation forming inside the tank. When condensation occurs, corrosion is sure to follow. Adding fuel to the tank each spring protects the interior of your tank, and you’ll be ready when cold weather returns!

If you find something of concern or need a professional opinion on your oil tank, contact Interstate Gas & Oil today! We offer high-quality oil tank tune-up and tank protection services. Instead of stressing about your spring oil tank maintenance, leave it all to us! Give us a call or fill out our online contact form.

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