Inspecting oil tanks is a hassle as they are out of human sight and below the ground. For homeowners with above-ground heating tanks, it is easier to inspect them to ensure they remain functional. 

For those who are unaware, heating tanks are popularly called fuel tanks and are used in heating systems in both residential and commercial homes. They are primarily functional during winter and help people and businesses stay warm. Like most machinery, heating tanks can be damaged if they are not appropriately managed. Here’s how to inspect your heating oil tank. 

How to inspect your heating oil tank at home

Below are some guidelines employed to inspect above-ground heating oil tanks. This set of procedures checks for possible damages and cracks and ensures the heating oil tank stays functional for usage. 

Start by checking the tank’s vent pipe

The vent pipe in your heating oil tank is designed to relieve the pressure created when your tank’s oil burner pills oil from the tank. It is usually 6 to 12 inches long and 2 inches wide. In simpler terms, the vent pipe allows the tank to breathe properly. In case of damage or blockage, your tank’s vent pipe can cause a heat call, which can cause further damage. Ensure you check it is not clogged with snow, insects, dirt, or any other debris. If so, clear the blockage without damaging the pipe.

Do the same with the fill pipe

As its name suggests, the fill pipe is used to refill the tank’s oil and goes straight into the tank’s core system. It is similar to a car’s nozzle pipe that allows you to pipe in fuel. Make sure the fill pipe is clear of blockage and, most importantly, safe to use. Check for leakages and repair if you notice any. 

Check the tank’s leg for stability

The oil tank leg holds the entire tank structure; it serves as the foundation for the tank. They are four and are between 10 to 13 inches. If your oil tank legs are way too long, there is a high risk of breakage as the legs may bend outward due to excess pressure. Make sure you check the tank’s leg before proceeding. 

Check the oil filter

They are important components in heating oil tanks as they help remove sludge and contaminants that can end up in the engine and cause damage. We recommend you replace your oil filter at least once a year, particularly in the fall, before the temperature drops. If your filter is full of saturated particles, change it to a cleaner one. 

How Interstate Gas & Oil can help

Interstate Gas & Oil offers expert home heating oil delivery and oil tank tune-up services. In addition, we also offer inspection and repair services to homeowners with above-ground heating oil tanks. Our dedicated team of workers ensures you get the best services for an affordable price. Give us a call today!

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